
Ghent Porcelain Magnetic Whiteboard Sheet/Skin

As low as $395.68
PDQ Quick Application porcelain sheets are a cost-effective way to add a writing surface or to rejuvenate existing chalkboards and markerboards. The 28 gauge porcelain-on-steel sheets can be applied directly to a wall or onto the face of worn boards. With its innovative handling and installation method, PDQ magnetic sheets are simple to apply and use. Ghent’s PDQ sheets come with a special installation tool that safely protects the exposed metal edges while making resurfacing fast and easy. The rigid tool also helps prevent surface damage caused by creasing the steel sheet. PDQ resurfacing sheets are individually packed for safe transit and easy on-site handling. The unique packaging design totally eliminates the need for expensive, heavy wood crates. Thanks to its steel substrate, PDQ sheets also accept magnets and magnetic accessories to double as magnetic bulletin boards. Available in Green or Black chalk surface and White marker surface.